Hi, My name is Elliott — Contact
I feel it’s a bad idea to use thumbnails to show art because it serves only to inoculate a viewer to the work, or makes easier for them to dismiss it and mindlessly scroll past. Many of the works here are fairly large oil paintings of considerable time and effort, with life-size figures, meant to be seen in person, not in a tableau flying by in a fraction of a second on a small screen. I fear one day we will all suddenly awake in horror realizing our whole life has been consumed completely in this way, not realizing that the entire time we had scarcely been living life at all, only gazing into a snowglobe.
The weblog is my personal journal of achievement or interests and is a living document, so I may from time to time change or delete the content here. You’ll be relieved to know that I don’t expect anyone to actually read any of this.